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It’s a deadly allergy, but to medicine. You don’t know you have it until it’s too late.

Imagine you get a prescription for a new medication. You take it exactly as directed. You are quickly engulfed in a rapidly-escalating health emergency. Severe adverse drug reactions (ADRs) happen to more than 200,000 Canadians each year. A small team at St. Paul’s Hospital is leading a mission to help people cope with the devastating damage ADRs can leave behind and to identify those most at risk.

A compassionate revolution in early dementia care

Imagine you or a loved one are starting to lose your memory. You may be scared or embarrassed or both. There’s a good chance you’re trying to hide it. Now imagine a team of specialists is there to help you understand what’s happening, mitigate your symptoms, calm your anxiety, and even slow down the progression of your disease. How life-changing would that be?