The IWL team is small and mighty. But there are simply not enough IWLs to support all of patients throughout their stay. There’s an especially urgent need for IWLs to help patients in palliative care, intensive care, emergency, and maternity.
Your support brings the IWL program to life. Your support transforms care.
Thanks to donors like you, St. Paul’s has a team of IWLs bringing comfort, compassion, and culturally-safe services to patients and their families. Now, we need to ensure that all Indigenous patients – right across PHC – have access to these services at any time in their stay including in the Teck Emergency Centre (ED) where many Indigenous patients first encounter care at St. Paul’s.
Your support brings this to life.
St. Paul’s Foundation (SPF) is blessed with some of the most compassionate, generous donors in the world. Thanks to you, Indigenous patients have access to the cultural, spiritual, and emotional supports that promote healing and wellness. Here are just a few examples of your generosity in action.
Medicine and healing take many forms
Almost 10 years ago, SPF donors helped create BC’s first hospital-based All Nations Sacred Space for patients, families, Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and caregivers to promote healing with traditional medicines, cultural ceremonies, and spiritual practices.
In many Indigenous cultures, holding or smudging healing items can have powerful, medicinal benefits. These may include healing medicines including cedar, sweet grass, sage, tobacco, bear root, and lavender. Your support ensures patients have access to these medicines.
There’s a reason we use the phrase “comfort food.” Your donation will help Indigenous patients draw comfort and healing from traditional foods while they are in hospital including bison, elk, salmon, and fresh berries.
With your support, PHC can add more cultural services including access to cultural ceremonies, talking circles, smudging, drumming, singing, learning, and counselling.
We’re not just raising funds to change and improve health outcomes. We’re raising funds to change and improve people’s lives. Your donation helps Indigenous patients and families across BC.

“I was 19 when I received my kidney transplant. St. Paul’s and my donor, Sxelaltenaat Charlie, gave me the gifts of a family and to raise a son with our culture, language, and traditional ways of knowing. It’s super important for St. Paul’s to continue doing the work of cultural safety training. Staff have done an excellent job turning their training into action. I’m excited for the launch of the new St. Paul’s and for what that means: better, safer care.”
– Alissa Assu, Wet’suwet’en First Nation, Laksamshu clan, Burns Lake, BC